Exercise: Jim & Andy
Watch Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond.
Then listen to The Art of Charm, episode 675: Rotten Psychology.
Controlling for bias on both sides, write a stream of consciousness on your reaction to both. At least 500 words, but no upper limit.
You can use the following questions to help inspire your thoughts:
What was Jim Carrey’s objective in playing the role of Andy Kaufman?
Who is the audience?
What differences are there, if any, between Andy Kaufman’s objectives and those of Jim Carrey as Andy?
How does The Art of Charm’s point about ensemble versus solo practitioners apply, if at all, to acting and this film in particular?
What shared vocabulary exists between the two source materials?
Are the philosophies of Jim Carrey and Justin Ramsdell incompatible? If so, how could they be made to be compatible? Is there a happy medium?
If you’re comfortable sharing your work, please post it here or send it to me directly.