Articulation Exercises

These exercises force you to focus on two things:

  1. Switching between voiced and unvoiced consonants

  2. Breath control

For each of the exercises below, take a deep breath into your stomach and repeat the sounds as many times in a row as possible.

10 times in one breath
This is a great place to start, especially as you learn the IPA symbols and your mouth starts to force itself into positions it usually avoids.

15 times in one breath
This is a good beginning target to shoot for.

20 times in one breath
This should be your overall goal.

30 times in one breath
Try doing the exercise with a cork or pencil between your teeth to make it even harder.

40 times in one breath
Holy shit dude, calm down.

Hot Tips

  • Get the sounds right first, then worry about speed

  • Don't emphasize any syllable too much - keep them all on the same level to save breath

  • Breathe into your stomach - if your shoulders rise or your chest expands, ya done fucked it up

  • Be efficient - use only as much air as you need

  • The exercises are notated in International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

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